Neo´s choice of pill
Neo meets Morpheus and now he gives him the option to take the blue pill or the red pill. If Neo takes the blue pill he will wake up on his bed without remembering anything, takes the red pill and he will continue discovering about the Matrix and keep his way just as he is.
Neo is in the room with morpheus just to make his choice
(Neo enters the room)
- Finally, come. My name is Morpheus as you probably know.
(Morpheus guides Neo to his chair)
- It´s a pleasure to meet you.
- The pleasure is all mine.
(Morpheus closes the door, and walks near Neo)
- I can feel your confussion but in a few moments all we´ll be clarified for you. You are now entering a dark cave.
- Tell me Neo. What do you think of Destiny?
- Destiny doesn´t exist, its nonsense.
- Why do you think so?
- I don´t like the idea of someone or something controlling my life.
(There is a deep silence in the room)
- Tell me. Why am I here? What is this place? Why have I been chosen?
(Neo pauses for a bit)
- What is this feeling that I have?
- The Matrix, Neo, the Matrix.
- The Matrix is everywhere it is everything. It is the one that shows us what we really are. The truth
- What truth?
(Takes a time to answer the question)
- That you are a slave, and that this world is your cage, a cage you cannot feel nor see, nor touch. A jail made for your mind.
- To know what it is, to know further more you´ll have to experience it and do it by yourself.
(He takes out a metal box, and opens it, inside there are 2 pills.)
- Tell me, how do I do it, I want to know more.
- This is the first and only chance you´ll get.
Blue pill will take you to your bed without remembering anything and without any knowledge of the Matrix
Red pill, and I´ll show you the rest of the cave.
(Neo stretches his hand to the pills.)
But choose wisely as there is no turning back.
(Neo says nothing, just stares for a while)
(Neo stretches his hand and takes the red pill.)
- It´s done.